Some time in the past I wrote that life is not a race; well, I've not given up on that statement, I still stand by it. If it's not a race then it's also not a competition where only one person comes out victorious. In life, everyone has his own timeframe in accordance with God's plans and calender for each individual. But then, if life is not a race does it mean we shouldn't put in our best into whatever we do? Of course not! I've come ro discover that people only tend to go extra miles in whatever they do if there is a competitor, when there is someone they need to outsmart, just like in business, every business man will do everything possible to outsmart his rival and make more gains. At this point, permit me to say that life is a competition . Am i trying to contradict my own words? Not at all. Life is a competition but here you're not competing against any other person but yourself. In life, you compete against your yesterday . Every new month ...