
Showing posts from September, 2018


Finding Your Purpose Finding your purpose Do you know what is driving you? Why are you working so hard and doing so much to get what you want? Do you know your purpose for being here? Whatever your dreams may be and whatever you want to achieve, it is important to analyse the reasons for those things. The reasons for what you want to have and to achieve are your “why.” Your why is intimately tied to your purpose in life. Finding your purpose – the reasons for achievement It seems strange that most of the time we wonder through life without any real purpose of our own. At times we do achieve great things and have the appearance of having a wonderful life. We may even have every material thing we could ever want and be successful at our careers, businesses and every thing else. But, as many who have achieved success will tell you, you can still feel empty inside and your life can still lack real meaning. Imagine, for a moment, that you have achieved your dreams. You...


What do you want to do with your life? It’s a question almost everyone asks themselves. It’s also a question  I don’t believe you should bother asking in the first place. “I don’t know what I want to do in life, all I know is that  it isn’t this .” That was the sentiment a friend reflected to me. She’s in her mid-twenties, smart, savvy and hard working. But she is still stuck working jobs that don’t hover much beyond minimum wage. Every year, she tells me, that she applies for Universities, but never goes through with it.  Why?  Because she can’t answer that question. Passion Evolves I worry a lot of people fall into the same trap. The trap of believing that they need to make big life decisions before they can start doing anything. The trap that you need to be born with a passion. And the lie that being able to combine your interests with a profession is easy. When people ask me what I’m going to be doing in five or ten years, I usually tell them I’m goin...


Take your most conservative estimate for the amount of time you need. Then double it. That’s your most realistic deadline.” – Software Development Maxim “People tend to overestimate what they will accomplish in one year, but underestimate what they will accomplish in five.”   – Steve Pavlina The more time you give yourself to complete a goal, the more likely you’ll achieve it. With any goal under 1-2 years, you’re probably overestimating the amount you can accomplish. By undertaking new goals with deliberate slowness, you increase the chance you can achieve lasting success. Deliberate Slowness Deliberate slowness has lost its appeal as a virtue. Although most people remember the old fable about the slow and successful tortoise against the faster hare, slowness is viewed as a sin in today’s culture. Walk through any bookstore and you’ll see promises to lose weight, make money and be successful in less time than you ever imagined. Lose twenty pounds in one week. Double yo...